If I'm In Charge of the World

Inspired by Judith Viorst


Line 1: If I were in charge of the world
Line 2: I'd (Write first thing you would do here)
Line 3: (Second thing you would do here)
Line 4: (Third thing you would do here)
Line 5: If I were in charge of the world
Line 6: There'd be (Fourth thing you would do here)
Line 7: (Fifth thing you would do here)
Line 8: (Sixth thing you would do here)
Line 9: If I were in charge of the world
Line 10: You wouldn't (Seventh detail here)
Line 11: You wouldn't (Eight detail here)
Line 12: You wouldn't (Ninth detail here)
Line 13: Or (tenth detail here)
Line 14: If I were in charge of the world.

If I'm In Charge of the World Example :

If I were in charge of the world
I'd make everyone play fair
No one would able to be a bully
And everyone would get along
If I were in charge of the world
There'd be ice cream 24 hours a day
More flavors than Baskin and Robbins
And it would make everyone happy
If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have to go to bed on time
You wouldn't get in trouble if assignments were late
You wouldn't have anything negative in your life
Or anything that made you sad
If I were in charge of the world

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