My Shadow Poem


Line 1: My shadow wears
Line 2: (one item of clothing described)
Line 3: (another item of clothing described)
Line 4: (a third item of clothing described)
Line 5: His/Her (pull down) hair is like
Line 6: (description of hair using simile)
Line 7: My shadow is a (noun)
Line 8: (phrase describing noun in line 7)
Line 9: (phrase describing noun in line 7)
Line 10: (phrase describing noun in line 7)

My Shadow Poem Example :

My shadow wears
A dark cloak that covers who I am
A shawl that hides my fears
A jacket that keeps me cold and he knows where I go
His hair is like a mop
Coarse and stringy
My shadow is a vampire bat
Its black wings soar
Silent as the night
Creating fear in all it touches

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