8 I want to live the day loudly
1 Now
7 So that I can be heard
5 I want to be loved
3 Surrounded
4 By those I love
3 Everyday
Write your phone number
Line 1: Line has the number of syllables as the first number
Line 2: Line has the number of syllables as the second number
Line 3: Line has the number of syllables as the third number
Line 4: Line has the number of syllables as the fourth number
Line 5: Line has the number of syllables as the fifth number
Line 6: Line has the number of syllables as the sixth number
Line 7: Line has the number of syllables as the seventh number
8 I want to live the day loudly
1 Now
7 So that I can be heard
5 I want to be loved
3 Surrounded
4 By those I love
3 Everyday