Yes, That's Me...


Line 1: Yes, that's me
Line 2: Look and you'll see
Line 3: My hair (descriptive line about hair)
Line 4: My eyes (descriptive line about eyes)
Line 5: My arms (descriptive line about arms)
Line 6: My hands (descriptive line about hands)
Line 7: My heart (descriptive line about heart)
Line 8: I'm (descriptive line about themselves)
Line 9: I never (something you never do)
Line 10: My friends (what they think of you)
Line 11: I live (what gives your life meaning)
Line 12: I hope (a hope for the future)
Line 13: I dream (a dream of how you would like things to be)
Line 14: It's all clear as can be.
Line 15: That's positively, absolutely me.

Yes, That's Me... Example :

Yes, that's me
Look and you'll see
My hair a golden brown
My eyes like the summer sky
My arms strong to hold you
My hands soft to care for yours
My heart open to show love
I'm here to listen and be part of your life
I never betray a friend
My friends are friends for life
I live to be a peacemaker
I hope to create happiness around me
I dream of family being together
It's all clear as can be.
That's positively, absolutely me.

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